City partners Belgrade

STB Taxi,

Taxpayer ID: 107138908
City (Belgrade)
Pickup fee
270 RSD
Wait time
3 min
Paid wait time 
20 RSD/min
Fare inside city
125 RSD/km
Fare in suburbs
192 RSD/km
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Wait time en route 
20 RSD/min

Pricing for transportation services may vary. The maximum fare is indicated, not including the Rush Hour multiplier.

The price of a given trip indicated in the service may change depending on taxi company rates, reduced or increased rates applied due to Rush Hour pricing, in cases specified in the Terms of Use, as well as due to stops during the ride at the passenger's request, the destination being changed after the start of the ride, or in other cases.

A multiplier may be applied to ride fares during rush hours (high demand), as per the cases laid out in the Terms of Use.